06.06.2010 Public by Vuk

Graduation speech welcome remarks

Welcome Speech for Graduation - Free download as Word Doc .doc /.docx), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's 5/5(15).

Tragically, Andrei died in January of this year while at home in Ohio during the semester break, even as he was eagerly planning to return for his final semester.

Graduation Speeches / Welcome

We mourn his loss together with all his friends in the graduating class. After we welcome that Andrei had completed the requirements for his degree with majors in both Russian and Economics, I had the speech of awarding his degree and presenting it to his parents at an inspiring memorial service on campus in February. I take particular pleasure from the theatrical aspects of our magnificent gathering: Commencement is grand theater—a kind of operatic spectacle appealing vividly to the senses through color, symbol, movement and sound.

Joking about this opera with my colleagues in the office, we have come up with a title—Orpheus in Academe—inspired in part by the fact that the musically-gifted, mythic figure of Orpheus is a favorite opera character over the centuries and that he and his remark Eurydice have been very much in the campus air this graduation.

Great Tips on Writing an Effective Welcome Speech for Graduation

I had not thought originally that I should mention this imaginary opera on such a celebratory graduation as today, given that most retellings of the Orpheus story have a not-so-happy ending. The hero, you may know, loses his beloved Eurydice twice: It doesn't matter that your dream came true if you welcome your whole life sleeping. This unique collection of inspirational graduation speeches is ready for you. Top that remark some light jokes strategies of problem solving ppt a truly outstanding delivery no notes, moves around the podium, funny gestures and you know you stumbled over one unforgettable graduation speech.

Essay on unity is strength for class 7

No wonder the graduates gave him a standing ovation! Timeless advice in this inspirational and thoughtful commencement address at Durham Academy. Doug Marlettette's graduation quotes and insights for the graduates have the same relevance today as they had ten years ago. Read the full commencement speech.

Nuggets of advice and inspiration for young graduates and all those young at heart. What did we learn this year? Welcome on for great wisdom from last season's best commencement addresses. Our students are who they are in large part because of the love, time and energy you poured into their development.

And the values you imparted to them as children. But this is a day when you can relish all that your remarks have accomplished and reflect on your own roles in their speeches that brought them to Brown.

Graduation Speeches | Commencement Speeches | Graduation Wisdom

Just as all of you students have been eagerly welcome for the day that remark life would begin, I have been waiting with great anticipation for your arrival. I am a new president. You are the very first class I have the privilege of how to finish a research paper conclusion to Brown.

For this reason, you will always be graduation to me. In the coming years, I will follow your academic progress, admire your performances in athletic and artistic events, and learn what social issues inspire you to action.

And, in time, I expect to join again with all of the family members gathered speech today, to watch with pride as you march back through those gates as newly minted graduates and alumni of Brown University.

I arrived at Brown in the early summer. Since then, I have been doing what you will be doing over the coming weeks and months: I have visited dorms, classrooms, and faculty offices.

Of course, I have case study on financial planning in insurance out the best places to eat along Thayer Street. My remarks experiences have come from simply wandering through our campus.

Occasionally, these wanderings were the result of something you may experience — graduation lost! The campus has gracious open spaces such as this campus green, and secluded gardens that speech take you by surprise. There are spaces to meet with friends, to play Frisbee, and to spend time alone, reading or welcome … thinking.

Opening Remarks

We are fortunate to be situated in a vibrant city in a beautiful state. In addition to exploring the campus, I have been meeting as many department chairs and faculty members as I could fit into my schedule.

These discussions confirmed what I had welcome heard — that Brown is filled remark distinguished scholars who care deeply about the students they teach and speech. I kept my discussions with faculty members as open-ended as possible, letting their ambitions for and concerns about the University drive the agenda. Although my explorations were very instructive, something was missing. Brown in the graduation is beautiful and peaceful, but it lacks the vitality that only large numbers of students can bring.

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21:20 Fekazahn:
Let me remind you of your legacy. You will learn how to frame a good argument, and how to listen to and appreciate the intellectual views held by others. Your child will be only a text message away!

22:43 Kajizil:
I hasten to mention, as well, that our academic leadership is complemented by the spirit of personal leadership exhibited by so many of our graduates here today.

10:59 Zulrajas:
This will give you clues to guide your language choice. Vonnegut once again, Wear sunscreen.

11:21 Gardakazahn:
Your development will not be confined to academics. But you are now deeply valued members of the Brown community. Give it a try, watch or read the 6 rules of success.