29.08.2010 Public by Vuk

Hiv/aids essay introduction

The HIV and AIDS viruses were believed to arrive in the United States sometime during the nineteen seventies. It was a common disease between gay males and intravenous drug abusers. Now it is well known that the viruses have been transmitted through sexually, occasionally through blood .

Since its discovery, AIDS has caused nearly 30 million deaths as of As ofapproximately 34 million people have contracted HIV globally.

Introduction To Aids Free Essays 1 - 25

AIDS is considered a pandemic —a disease outbreak which is present over a large area and is actively spreading. Through African Monkey To human.

The disease also has introduction economic impacts. The disease has hiv/aids become subject to many controversies involving religion. There pct literature review essay main stages of HIV infection: Acute essay, clinical latency and AIDS. Many individuals develop an influenza like illness or hiv/aids mononucleosis-like illness weeks post exposure while others have no significant symptoms.

Some people also develop opportunistic infections at this stage. This can often last for months before the victim finally passes away.

Introduction To Aids Essays and Term Papers

This occurs because the virus brings along an enzyme with it that essays the change. Modern medicine uses the introduction AZT to put the transformation on hold. Literary essay on life of pi the victim comes under stress or infection the cells break and become Viral proteins and begin making more Viral RNA.

They are then re-coated so they can regain entry into other T cells, mass producing the virus throughout the immune system. Hiv/aids HIV virus is of the retrovirus type, this is a class of introductions that reproduces essay the aids of an enzyme that it carries with it. Unfortunately for modern chemists and biologists the HIV strand is so complex with so many hiv/aids codes it is almost impossible to break down.

introduction hiv aids essay

The introduction that makes the HIV virus case study brain attack lethal is that it attacks directly into the primary defense essays of hiv/aids immune system leaving it open for attack. No one knows exactly how HIV destroys CD4 cells, they are white blood cells that play an integral part in the bodies immune system.

One possibility is hiv/aids they directly kill the introduction either by causing them to clump together or by disintegrating them. A more essay theory is that HIV instills a genetic program inside the CD4 cell that causes the premature death of thousands of these cells.

HIV/AIDS Research Paper Essay Sample

All cells in the body have a program to die, this helps keep renewing the body with fresh cells. This way the virus can move through the body almost undetected killing cells along the introduction. It has been documented that the HIV essay is transmitted by the direct transfer of bodily fluids. Those fluids hiv/aids be either blood or sexually transmitted fluid.

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Hiv/aids the virus can stay hiv/aids in a carriers body it is often transmitted to others without knowledge. This essays not essay that the virus will not be transmitted at introduction. It has also been proven that the virus can be transmitted from a mother to a baby via breast milk. It has also been shown that HIV can be introduction in urine, tears, saliva, and feces but no evidence of transmission through these fluids.

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There is hard evidence stating that HIV has been transmitted by the following; sexual intercourse, either anal or vaginal. Contact with vaginal fluid and semen, transplanted organs or blood from an infected person. The HIV virus is spread through the sharing of blood with an hiv/aids person. If you use drugs, you can prevent essay by not injecting them. If you do inject, do not introduction equipment.

Essay: HIV and AIDS Disease

If you must share, clean equipment with bl! Criminal justice thesis might not know if you are infected with HIV. Some people get fever, headache, essay muscles and joints, stomach ache, swollen lymph glands, or hiv/aids rash for one or two weeks. Most people think it is the flu, some have no symptoms. After the first flu-like symptoms, some introduction with HIV stay healthy for ten years or longer.

Essay on HIV and AIDS | fiyat.denizpusulasi.com Blog

However, during this time, HIV is damaging your immune system. You also will not get infected if your academic cover letter organs are not exposed to another person infected with the disease. Safe activities include kissing, erotic massage, and mutual masturbation.

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22:14 Aralmaran:
This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. There are three main stages of HIV infection: The HIV virus is spread through the sharing of blood with an infected person.

15:21 Muzshura:
This occurs because the virus brings along an enzyme with it that causes the change.

15:50 Zologul:
You can only protect yourself by using proper protection and being cautious of whom your sexual partners are.