10.10.2010 Public by Gardagami

A comparison of crime and punishment and othello in literature

In both Crime and Punishment and Othello there is a theme of necessary balance. Crime and Punishment’s theme that man must be balanced in order to function properly is very similar to Othello’s theme that, tragically, jealousy is destructive, even to the one that holds it.

Crime and punishment and Othello. Comparative Literature

One stylistic device both authors used to demonstrate this unbalance is foreshadowing. On page 84 in Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov says, "If they question me, perhaps I will simply tell.

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Raskolnikov is obviously unbalanced if he can detachedly hypothesize about his confession.

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Similarly, Desdemona's willow song foreshadows her own death. In this way we realize Othello must be extremely unbalanced if his wife can foresee her own death when they are still newly wed. Both foreshadowed events would usually be considered as negative. The main difference is that while Raskolnikov's imprisonment is temporary, Desdemona's death is permanent.

The interesting thing about both foreshadowed events is their Bridgewater college admissions essay.

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While both events are usually construed as negative, good things come from both. Not until he has been in Siberia a year does Raskolnikov finally renounce his overman theory and become complete and balanced once again. Also, Desdemona will be able to forgive Othello and be with him throughout eternity. What makes these happenings different is their justness.

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Raskolnikov was rightfully imprisoned for his crime, while Desdemona was unjustly murdered for a crime she did not commit. In Crime and Punishment, we see Raskolnikov caught between reason and will, the human needs for personal freedom and the need to submit to authority. After he acts and murders the old woman, he spends much time contemplating confession.

Raskolnikov seems trapped in his world although there is really nothing holding him back; he chooses not to flee and not to confess, but still acts as though hes suffocation perhaps guilt?

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In both novels defeat seems inevitable. Both characters believe that normal man is stupid, unsatisfied and confused. Perhaps they are right, but both characters fail to see the positive aspects of humans; the closest was the scene between the narrator of Notes from the Underground and Liza.

In this scene he almost lets the human side show, rather than the insecure, closed off person he normally is. I assert that Thesis problematic characters are clinically depressive of some sort.

Crime and Punishment

Describe Razumihin, and explain his relationship to Raskolnikov, including how it develops throughout the novel. Describe Dounia, and explain the way that her character develops and changes throughout the novel. Describe Detective Porfiry Petrovitch, and explain what he represents to Raskolnikov. Explain contradicting behaviors apparent in Raskolnikov. How do the two texts define justice? How are vengeance, punishment, atonement, mercy, repentance, and guilt related to, or a part of, justice in their stories?

“Crime and Punishment” and “Othello”

Who seems to be responsible for carrying out justice in these texts? What role, if any, does violence seem to play in the implementation of justice? Discuss class distinction throughout the novel. Discuss words and phrases that Raskolnikov uses to describe Alyona Ivanovna. Explain why Raskolnikov places his focus on her.

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23:48 Nikonos:
On page 84 in Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov says, "If they question me, perhaps I will simply tell. What is the relationship between law enforcement and justice? In both cases the extremes create unbalance which ends up costing a lot.

16:59 Zolodal:
Both Crime and Punishment and Othello speak of balance, but they Definitely do it in their own unique way.

17:47 Toran:
Nothing of all this would have happened. The reader is inclined to characterize 17 June The main difference is that while Raskolnikov's imprisonment is temporary, Desdemona's death is permanent.

20:58 Mugis:
Explain contradicting behaviors apparent in Raskolnikov. Iago is the whole reason there is any conflict in Othello. Crime and Punishment's theme that man must be balanced in order to Function properly is very similar to Othello's theme that, tragically, jealousy Is destructive, even to the one that holds it.