04.02.2010 Public by Gardagami

The effects of superstition on a persons way of living -

Many of these superstitions can dramatically affect a person's life. Looking at the following examples will show what effects can come from trying to stay on the good side of the supernatural. Friday the 13th is thought of as the most unlucky day of the year.

How would you have behaved had you not read the advice for your sign? The funny thing about this type of thing is that it usually winds up as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Belief in Superstitions and their Effect on our Lives

In other words, because you were so worried about the given advice, you caused it to come true simply because you modified your behavior. Then, when the prediction comes true, whether in real life or in your imagination, you attribute the prophecy to the stars, rather than your actual behavior. Fear is another result of superstitious beliefs. Fear is caused by the realization that much of life is beyond our control, such as natural disasters, car accidents, or disease.

From the dawn of time, humans have looked above and beyond themselves for help in these circumstances.

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Religious systems all have their God or gods that provide comfort, guidance and healing to their participants. While religion in and of itself is not superstitious, it can become superstitious if the participants attempt to control their deity by their actions and behavior. Even Christianity can become a practice in all things superstitious when Christians do things with the goal of manipulating God into performing some miracle or favor. The line between religion and superstition is a fine one, but when rational faith becomes blind manipulation by using control tactics, the religion has lapsed into superstition.

A minor example of this would be someone hanging the image of a guardian angel from his or her rear-view superstition. These living, Mahatma gandhi a man of principle effects are often holding a paper way ribbon displaying Teenage boredom essay prayer of safety.

Christian legalism can even be said to be a The of superstition, in that participants obey certain man-made rules in order to increase their odds of going to Heaven when they die. The bottom line in superstitious person is control. Conversely, carrying a rabbit's foot may give the same person the confidence to do well in all of those areas if he actually has the necessary skills. This is why superstitions are so prevalent among athletes, actors, and students.

One more step

Some athletes may decide that they have to perform a certain ritual, like turning in three circles before leaving the locker room or wearing a certain pair of lucky socks. Thespians often do not wish each other good luck before a play, as that is supposed to have the opposite effect.

Instead, they tell each other to "break a leg," and they never say the name of the Scottish Play unless they are on stage performing it. Superstitions have arisen in nearly every culture, yet some superstitions have opposite meanings in different countries.

What are the effects of superstition to people?

In the United States, both black cats and the number 13 are unlucky. Yet black cats are lucky in Britain and the number 13 is lucky in Italy. Does a black cat's luck change when it makes a trip across the pond? And what happens if a black cat crosses in front of both a Brit and American who are walking on the same street?

What are the effects of superstition to people

Though superstitions have some interesting background stories and can have a placebo affect on those who believe in them, they all seem to come back to a matter of control.

People want to have control over the events in their lives. They will believe in many strange ideas to gain even an illusory sense of control. Yet, if control is so important, why do some people seem to prefer superstitious beliefs over scientific fact? At the most basic level, some people associate the term "belief" with positive concepts like emotional sensitivity, artistry, inspiration, magic or faith, but attach negative connotations to "facts," such as being dry, boring or unimaginative.

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Beliefs are uplifting; facts are grounding. That alone can be enough to make some people shy from staid facts and embrace more magical beliefs. Superstitious beliefs may also be seen as more accessible than scientific facts. To be confirmed, scientific facts must be objective, verified observations.

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10:43 Maucage:
A basketball player might score more points when wearing his lucky socks, but give those same socks to a kid off the street who doesn't have the baller's skills or dedicated training regime, and he'd still be riding the bench. A common superstitious practice is the reading of Zodiac sign advice in the daily paper. Instead, they tell each other to "break a leg," College diversity essay they never say the name of the Scottish Play unless they are on stage performing it.

20:53 Tojashakar:
A belief in superstitions gives people an illusion of control in an uncertain world. Superstitions have arisen in nearly every culture, yet some superstitions have opposite meanings in different countries. We desperately need to feel that we have some level of control over our lives, especially of the unknown future.