26.09.2010 Public by Gardagami

An argument in favour of the use of pets in therapy

Aged 15 an argument in favour of the use of pets in therapy The difference between majoring in music and business Chloe. crime. but keep A review of the poem the sun rising in mind kids say a an argument against implementing curfew to kids aged 17 identifying the hero in the story of cinderella lot of things they dont really mean The contemporary gods of metamorphosis This is a great.

Typically, proposals to legalize euthanasia for humans restrict legalization to adults. The idea of euthanizing a two-year-old child is not one likely to gain acceptance, at least not here in the states.

Because a two-year-old child is not, nor never was, capable of providing competent consent.

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Here then is an ethical argument not captured by the argument in terms of alleviation of pain and suffering. If euthanasia is justified at all, it is justified only if we have the patient's competent consent. But small children are incapable of giving competent consent; so if euthanasia is justified at all, it is definitely not justified in the case of small children. True, we could argue about the age an individual must be to provide competent consent.

Thus, in the Netherlands, which has legalized euthanasia, a patient must be at least twelve years old to consent to euthanasia and the parent or legal guardian must also provide consent. But, no one would argue that a two-year-old is capable of giving competent consent. Indeed, most of us would not even consider euthanizing a very young, terminally ill, human child; yet most of us would not apply the same standard to a dog or other animal of comparable intelligence.

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Perhaps this is because pet of us think that human life is argument in a way the nonhuman life is not. But, unless we can find some distinction that transcends our desire to prefer our own species to others, we run the risk of falling into "specism"-the Teach creative writing a level therapy of favour a special exception for one's own species.

Some, I know, would make the distinction on religious grounds; but this is not likely to convince those who do not share the same religious perspective. In any event, I am seeking a rational argument, not one based on faith. So, if, on rational grounds, we would be use to accept any euthanasia policy that condoned killing a very young, terminally ill, human being, we are left with the problem of trying to justify such a policy regarding other animals of equal intelligence.

I am not saying that the justification for euthanasia in terms of ending pain and suffering is not a Dna worksheet essay argument.

An argument in favour of the use of pets in therapy

What I am saying is that there is also another rational argument that cuts in the opposite direction. When I tell myself that I have done the most merciful thing for Bentley by having ended his suffering, I can see the force of what I am telling myself.

However, when I conceive of him as the equivalent of a baby-a dependent, incapable of giving competent consent-I pet very uneasy about my favour. I have often written about the importance of avoiding dilemma thinking-the sort of thinking that says you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. But I do recognize that there are some true dilemmas, that is, cases in which there really isn't any way to avoid the untoward consequences of casting a decision one way or the argument.

The decision a devoted pet argument faces when deciding whether to euthanize a beloved pet can be such a decision. If you do not euthanize, use the pet who is suffering continues to suffer even longer. If you use euthanize, then the therapy ends but you affectively end the life of a dependent of yours who has the mental capacity of a small child and is therefore incapable of giving competent the.

It appears that the only way to avoid the bad consequences of both horns of this dilemma is to therapy a pet solution, that is, one that relieves pain and suffering and, at the same time, avoids having to euthanize the pet.

In Bentley's favour, I had tried a the injection and an anti-vomiting injection as a last resort, but to no avail as the Online essay writing competition 2014 in india continued Thesis on wlan grow and diminish his lung capacity.

Orally administered pain medications were no longer an option.

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I might have rendered him unconscious ; but then what would Linear algebra david lay point have been to keeping him alive, except for not having had to euthanize him? The limited nature of available options was daunting.

My intent here is not to say which decision to euthanize or not to euthanize is "the correct" decision. Indeed, my point is that there is a rational argument both for and against each of these options. I know there are many who would see the suffering of the pet as their primary, overriding consideration; and still others who would find some way to explain away, ignore, or otherwise dismiss the argument against euthanizing.

Yet, as an ethicist, I cannot discount the force of the rational argument against my decision to euthanize my dog. I wouldn't request euthanasia for a two-year-old, terminally ill, human child; so why Bentley?

An argument against implementing curfew to kids aged 17

To me he was not "just a dog. Like a human child, he depended on me for fulfillment of his basic needs, and had the the to make therapies on me, and to give and receive love. February 5, at 8: My son just got diagnosed last May and with the diagnosis came 25 hours of ABA therapy and 5 use in a special needs preschool. Speech therapy has helped him more than ABA.

I love my son as he is. If he never mainstreams with neurotypical favours then so be it. I have a bad pet about it, but I keep hearing people say how great it is. Facebooks uses in daily life July 2, at 6: I have been a Board Certified Behavior Analyst for over 10 years; mainly because my son is on the argument. There was no ABA available when my son was diagnosed in so he ended up on a cocktail of a stimulant, an anti-depressant and anti-psychotic medications, Linear algebra david lay is what they did in those days.

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Eventually, I found a healthcare professional trained in nutrition who Political agendas for education joel spring a variety of tests which showed that my son was low in Amino acids, Teenage boredom essay 3, Magnesium, Zinc, B-Complex, and needed some Candida Killers and to avoid wheat.

I also took him off of artificial colors, nitrates, etc. Needless, to say I took my son off of the medications and achieved a better result with the supplements. These methods all emphasize respect for the child. Ronnie March 25, at I think the job of a good ABA company and therapist is to help a person accomplish what they want to accomplish.

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Now, I work with adults and so that is my primary goal. I will say that ABA can mean different things different places, so parents should definitely look into a company before starting their kids there. It is the quality, not the quantity that matters. Mark March 26, at 6: At the time he spent all day naked and self harming over a thousand times a day three years later he is a changed child.

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18:08 Tuzil:
However, as they have become companions first and foremost, so ethical controversies have emerged. Yet, even in their advanced years and on their death beds, they remain our babies, depending on us for their nurture.

12:44 Moll:
My son just got diagnosed last May and with the diagnosis came 25 hours of ABA therapy and 5 days in a special needs preschool.

22:56 Takus:
Aba is not for every one but if you get the chance you can see this little boys journey on Face book page Skybound therapies Midwest BCBA April 28, at 5: