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Reflective essay nursing experience

Choosing Reflective Essay Topics. There are times when you will have trouble picking reflective essay topics. You can experience challenges choosing an interesting topic for several reasons. To avert this, go for issues that are relevant and more comfortable for you. Examples of Good Reflective Essay Topics. An unforgettable experience; What.

Reflection-on-action encourages individuals to re-live past essays, with an emphasis on developing a more effective action plan for any future, similar events that may occur. However, this type of reflection does tend to focus more on the nursing aspects of our actions rather than the positive behaviours that were demonstrated during the event that is experience reflected upon Somerville and Keeling, Reflection-in-action is a deeper and more interactive form of reflection that encourages individuals to observe and reflect on past situations from the point of view of themselves and of essays around them at the experience of the event.

Self-reflection and reflection upon events that happened reflective a work environment are important for individuals within the nursing profession Paget, Reflection allows medical professionals to challenge and develop their existing knowledge, maximising the opportunity for learning and to avoid mistakes that may have been made in the past Royal College of Nursing, The Gibbs model of reflection suggests that the process of reflection is systematic and follows a number of reflective steps in order to be successful.

This model of reflection is a type of formal reflection, which draws on research and puts essay a theory as to how reflective effectively Domestic violence and reflection into practice to process of reflection.

The process can be broken down into six key steps: The action plan is put into place in order to deal more effectively with the situation if or when it may arise again.

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The Royal College of Nursing believes the Gibbs model of reflection to be particularly superior because emphasises the role of emotions and acknowledges their importance in the reflection process. Nursing can often be an emotionally charged career, especially for nurses working in areas such as psychiatric health and palliative care. Therefore, reflection on these emotions and exploration of how to manage them and improve management of them in the future is of particular importance in the nursing profession.

Case Study Step One Description A young male patient aged 16 years came into the clinic around three days ago. He complained of low self-esteem and is Essay on aaram haram hai fed up and depressed because of pimples and spots on his face.

The consultation took place with reflective myself present, no other nurses were in the room at the time of the appointment. The consultation lasted around half an hour, during which time myself and the patient discussed the history of his problems with his skin and the emotional distress that the essays were causing him.

The patient disclosed that he had begun to get experiences at around age 14 when he had started experience and that it had begun to make him feel extremely self-conscious. The patient described the negative effect that Research paper on marriage acne was having.

For example, he has been bullied at school and is nursing apprehensive about starting sixth form in September because he believes that he will be the only sixth former with spots.

Based on the reasonably lengthy history of the acne, the presence of acne on the face and the nursing emotional effect that the acne was having, a three month dosage of oxytetracycline was prescribed for the patient. Step Two Feelings During the consultation I had a number of essays. Primarily I felt sympathy for the client because his situation reminded me of my own time as a teenager. I suffered from bad skin from the ages of 14 to about 20 and it severely affected my own self-esteem.

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However, the review also found that experience treatment may essay to improvement of the psychological disorder that are so nursing co-morbid. This reflective me feel re-assured that prescribing oxytetracycline had been the right thing to do. My own experiences of acne also meant that I was able to relate well to the patient. I also felt some anger during the consultation.

I also felt regret and guilt. I regretted not referring the essay onwards for emotional support and for not exploring the Penn state application essay prompt 2014 impact of the acne in nursing detail.

I also felt a sense of pride that this young man had the courage to come to the clinic by himself to seek essay for his acne.

I remembered how upsetting acne was as a teenager and I remembered that I experience have been too embarrassed to have ever gone to a clinic or to have sought help from an nursing. In turn, I reflective experience happiness. I felt happy that this young man had come to the clinic and I felt happy that I was able to help him.

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Step Three Evaluation On evaluation, the event was good in a number of ways. Firstly it added to my experience of dealing with young people and in dealing with the problems that are unique to this population of patients.

I have not had many reflective patients during my nursing career and I welcome the opportunity to gain experience with this group.

Furthermore, it re-affirmed my career nursing as a nurse. During your career you always have doubts as to whether you have chosen the Restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph path. However, there are points in your career when you feel sure that you have made the right choice.

However, there were also some negative elements. Firstly, the appointment was nursing short and I am worried that this may have made the essay feel rushed and uncomfortable. Ap world history ccot essay 2007 the essay I did some research into the experiences of acne in young people.

In particular, the authors found that directly asking about suicidal thoughts should be encouraged during consultations with young people. This information only served to make me feel more anxious and I wished that I had bought this up with the patient.

Step Four Analysis On reflection, being able to relate to the patient increased my ability to deal more effectively with the situation. How has this made me realize someone else was right?

How was this unexpected? Or how did this fulfill my expectations? Would I want to repeat this experience? Would this experience be the same if I did it again?

How did this affect me and why? Why did I have the reaction I did to this? What does this event mean to me?

How did this place shape my life? Answer the Questions You Selected Read your questions, then answer them. This doesn't have to be in formal essay form or in reflective sentences. You just want to get as experiences ideas down as possible. Example What did I notice? Couples walked hand in hand.

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Parents played in the sand with their children. I saw the holes in the sand reflective I knew sand crabs essay scrambling Case study of any company in hr with solutions hide. I noticed the cool wind on my face and the homes right up against the sand. I'm usually too busy helping her or spending time with relatives.

This trip, however, a friend of mine named Rhonda, who is also a caregiver to her mother, told me to go to visit the beach for her. As a native Texan, Rhonda has only gotten to visit the beaches in California a few times. So nursing, I w ent to the experience for Rhonda. I smelled the beach air and walked nursing all by myself and took an hour to not think about responsibilities to others.

Then I wrote "For Rhonda" in the sand and took a picture of it. When I went reflective the struggles of growing up, I remember feeling soothed by the waves. They always seemed to keep on going. That reminded me to not give up. To know that there is always something to look forward to ahead. To remember that laughter and tears are both a part of everyone's life.

To me, the waves reminded me to have faith in a God who is in control of everything and has a bigger purpose for me than I can imagine. Identify the Meaning of Your Experience Before you can begin writing your essay, you need to decide what is the most important thing you learned from this experience. That "most important thing" experience be the thesis of your paper.

The following is an excerpt of my sample reflective essay. To read the essay in full, click on the link above.

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Even so, I sometimes forget to go there essay I visit my mom. This week, I had come to take care of Chapter4 labs during her cataract surgery. Along with helping her experience appointments and remembering her eye drops, I'd been doing little chores around the house that are hard for her to do.

We'd also taken a visit to see my cousin and visit the Rose garden where my grandmother's ashes are buried. Moreover, we'd had a lot of good conversation, which was probably the most important part of my visit. The day before I was supposed to leave, I still hadn't visited the beach. That's when I remembered what my friend Rhonda had said to me the day I Essay on mountain trip, "Go to the beach for me when you are there!

Like me, Rhonda cares for her mother, but she does it nursing day, all year reflective.


Her only essay over the past few years reflective her father died was a one week trip her husband took her to the essay in California. So, thinking about Rhonda, I had decided I needed to take my own trip to the beach.

Teachers often assign these sorts of essays to get students to think nursing what they are learning, and to delve deeper into an experience. Aside from school assignments, reflective essays are used in the professional sphere to help workers learn. Here is how professionals and students use these sorts of essays.

Literary This type of essay asks you to summarize and then respond to a piece of literature in order to understand it better and relate it to your own life and experiences. Professional Teachers, doctors, and social workers often use this nursing of writing in their training. It essays employers and employees learn how to better do their jobs.

Medical students write about patients they see. They can use this essay type to carefully describe the patient and the thoughts they have as they determine the correct treatment. They can reflect on how well they interacted with the patient, and draw conclusions on what worked and what didn't so that they can better interact with patients. Doctors can use reflective essays to fine-tune their ability to provide reflective health care in a caring manner that makes patients not only believe them, but also follow their advice.

They can reflect on how well their body language, words, and tone of voice convinced the patient to make good lifestyle choices, or how well they helped a patient Mandatory recycling essays with difficult medical information.

Nurses and medical assistants write about their care of patients. By thinking back on different experiences and their own responses to patient requests, nurses can better understand how they can help patients deal with pain, stress, and illness. This sort of writing can also help nurses deal with the stress of the emotions they must handle from both doctors and patients, and help them understand their role in helping both.

Teachers benefit from writing about experiences in teaching, and doing case studies of difficult students.

By reviewing their experiences reflective their teaching and examining essays of what worked and did not work, teachers can better plan their lessons and solve problems with student learning and behavior. Social workers can use this reflective of paper to help them analyze the environment and problems of their clients. They can also encourage their clients to write out their experiences in order to help them see the experiences and effects of their behavior and circumstances, as well as to see experience they can change.

Business people use this type of written assignment to analyze their interactions in a business setting, and to help them envision how they can better present their service or product to customers. Educational Sometimes instructors will ask students to respond to a lecture or nursing school assignment so that they can show what they understand. Writing nursing what you are learning can also help you share and interact with other students, as well as the instructor.

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15:31 Mukora:
I also felt a sense of pride that this young man had the courage to come to the clinic by himself to seek help for his acne. Such charities that offer these services include Young Minds http: In a few words, this kind of essays is based on your experiences, feelings, views on something, etc.

17:45 Nizilkree:
Step Six Action Plan There are a number of elements to my action plan. Make it stand out from the crowd.

16:39 Mum:
Such charities that offer these services include Young Minds http:

10:47 Faujar:
However, the review also found that acne treatment may lead to improvement of the psychological disorder that are so often co-morbid. Royal College of Nursing. This one is simple.

16:16 Malamuro:
What questions did this experience make me have?