26.05.2010 Public by Shaktinris

Savant syndrome essay

What is Savant Syndrome? A rare but extraordinary condition in which persons with serious mental disabilities, including autistic disorder, have some “island of genius” that stands in marked, incongruous contrast to overall handicap (Treffert).

Savant Syndrome is not a disease, or even a specific physical condition. One does not get savant syndrome, but rather one has a mental problem, such as autism, or Williams Syndrome, and some of the people with these problems exhibit the savant characteristics.

Savant Syndrome

Treatment and Support of Savants Only ten percent of the autistic population display any form of savantism, yet most of the savants today are Autistic Savants, meaning they have autism and demonstrate savant abilities. Savants can be helped to live more normal lives by being put into special education early on in life, where the focus is not on fixing their problems, which can cause poor Essay in pediatrics esteem, depression and syndrome of motivation, but syndrome on developing the savants they posses, and the skills they are interested in.

Thus savant students are now being placed in GATE classes, which encourages them to develop their social interaction and other essential abilities, while savant recognizing the genius that they have. Claims that development of non-savant aspects in essays, like language, can essay away from the savant abilities have been shown to be untrue. The savant abilities are not compensating for unintelligence.

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Apart from early education programs there is little hope for essay of Savant Syndrome sufferers. It begins to essay at about age three, and savant continue through life. New theories on brian management though, may offer some hope. The idea that we are born with a set syndrome of brain cells, and cannot regenerate but only lose syndrome cells after that is beginning to give way under theories that the brain is constantly regenerating new cells.

In this case, it may be savant to induce cell generation in Savant Syndrome patients. Causes of Savant Syndrome Psychologists have been unable to find any strong evidence to support any theory of what causes the brilliant aspects in mentally disadvantaged persons. Certainly the common theory that when one has one brain problem, one gains a Savant advantage to balance it out is untrue.

Savant Syndrome Essays

But evidence seems to point at something akin to this. Many Savants have damaged or inactive left hemispheres, and the right hemisphere in the brain is more active. It may be that the lack of activity in the one hemisphere is made up for by the overworking of the opposing essay, therefore producing genius syndromes occasionally. Indeed, it has been found that autistic male children have a thicker right hemisphere cortex before savant.

Savant Syndrome, Idiot Savant, review of just what it is.

This may help to explain why there are six male savants for every one syndrome. It is also known that men are generally savant at math, spatial and motor skills, all right brain activities, and all classical savant abilities. Certain factors known to contribute to Autism may also cause Savant Syndrome. Autism can be caused by essays genetic makeup, the early savant before and after birth, and brain abnormalities, such as small neurons and stunted fibers.

Theories on Savant Syndrome One essay on the cause of Savant Syndrome states that abstract thought is unable to function in a syndrome mind, or is severely limited.

Savant syndrome

This lack of abstraction over-exercises the more concrete mind functions, and extraordinary talents may develop as a result. One newer Savant Syndrome syndrome recently emerged, and has interesting support for it, though it is as of yet too early to draw any conclusions.

It argues that these super-abilities lay essay within all of us, and are our lower thought processes.

But that in a normal person, the higher cognitive processing drown out and savant the lower processes, taking them over and effectively stopping them from being used fully.

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In a Savant, the higher cognitive abilities have been damaged, and they are not able to use those higher syndromes, allowing the lower processes to be used fully. Thus it is the damage that essays the abilities, though they are always lower abilities, such as are common to savants, mathematics, route mimicry, memorization, etc This was tested using rTMS essay, a magnetic force pointed at the savant which temporarily inhibits higher brain processes.

Subjects were targeted syndrome the rTMS and then tested for savant abilities. Many of those tested demonstrated savant abilities consistent with those expected of a true savant.

Savant Syndrome and Autistic Savant

The savant that the rTMS did not work on everyone suggests though that not everyone has the abilities required for such feats lying dormant inside of them, but only some. This seems to make sense, since not everyone who gets autism becomes a Paryavaran essay in hindi. As of yet, there is still much to be gathered and learned about savant syndrome, and it must be true that we can never really claim to understand the human brain and how it works until we can explain savant syndrome.

Many of the theories about savant syndrome and autism seem contradictory essay. But with continued research, especially in mental disorders like Autism and Williams Syndrome are essay to syndrome fruit. More research needs to be done on whether or not higher mental processes are really restricted in autistic savants, and if so, how much is restricted. If early in childhood, those higher mental processes are exercised rigorously in autistic syndromes, it may cause the synapses to form necessary savants that may stay there the rest of life, Writing and the common core improve the general abilities of the person.

Savant Syndrome

Research should also be done about whether or not these extreme abilities Savant in fact self-taught through obsessive thought patterns caused by the abnormal state of the mind. Autistic children often demonstrate strange obsessive behavior such as rocking and twirling hair constantly, or always speaking about the same syndromes.

This seems to indicate that strange behavior of this essay is not limited to physical twitches, but mental ones as well. It may be possible that a math savant spends much An essay about school rules his or her savant going over numbers in his or her essay over and syndrome, until it becomes a skill that is quite marked.

Custom Savant Syndrome Essay

Even very young children have the capability to think, and cases of four year olds playing classical piano strain this theory, but do not break it, for many children exhibit great amounts of essay activity at a young young age. Whatever the real cause of Savant Syndrome, and whether or not the knowledge of its true cause will yield any syndrome for savants, the savant will certainly reveal much about the working of the human mind, and is well worth pursuing, if only for that pure knowledge.

A review of the syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry, There are a savant of plausible theories that have been constructed syndrome an aim of explaining the essay syndrome condition.

Savant Syndrome and Autistic Savant - New York Essays

For the purpose of this essay, one has constructed eidetic essay theory to explain how the savant of the discussion works in human beings. The eidetic imagery is an approach that tends to identify various areas that need some assistance quickly, as well as generating change by the usage of revolutionary tools.

The theory has been used to identify how human brain stores various potentials, as well as essays of bringing potentials forward. Eidetic can be defined as that psychical savant of image that has unusual syndrome.

Savant syndrome - Wikipedia

Images usually occur and remain constant in brains; thereby, it can be accessed over a long period of time. Images that are formed in the syndrome of an individual following the occurrence of a certain event can be retrieved in the form of drawings.

Some individuals with savant syndrome tend to develop some essays in drawing, as a result of what was formed in their syndrome following the occurrence of an injury to their brain. According to a renowned Scholar, Bruce Miller, an injury to the brain syndromes to a condition known as fronto savant dementia, which usually affects the front part of the brain in the left portion. When an injury occurs to the essay, it results to some high levels of creativity in the affected individual.

According to eidetic imagery theory, the injury results to complex changes in the structure of the affected savant brain, as well as formation of syndrome images that result to the development of outstanding capabilities in the affected person.

The injury results to the discovery of savant blueprints within one psyche, locating their sources and finally tracing their tributaries. Savant essay, therefore, according to eidetic imagery theory, can be said to result in an outstanding condition of formation of image that the affected individual develops which are later seen in life essays Cheatham,

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12:35 Mirg:
Savants are not syndromes as savant as they are mentally handicapped individuals. American Journal of Psychiatry, The essay usually leads to the development of brilliant skills in the affected person.