13.01.2010 Public by Shaktinris

La nuestra familiaprison gang essay -

The four most active street gangs that inhabit the California correctional system today include the Aryan Brotherhood, the Black Guerilla Family, La Nuestra Familia, and the Mexican Mafia. The Aryan Brotherhood, also known as the AB, is one of the more famous CA prison gangs.

On the other hand, the Mexican mafia is opposed to the following prison gangs: The Mexican mafia is often confused with the Mexikanemi from Texas, but both gangs are distinct. The similarity between both groups is that they share similar tattoos and because of this similarity, it is easy to conclude, rather erroneously, that both groups are the same.

Prison gangs

The structure of the Mexican Mafia is patterned after the military. In some respects, the Mexican mafia imitates the modus operandi of the Italian mafia in the aspect of organization and discipline. There are a number of rules that are kept by members of the Winning cover letters marketing Mafia.

In the first place, Valentine notes that rules of conduct are written and approved by members of the gang.

Essay on La Nuestra Familia/Prison Gang

Members of the Mexican mafia are expected to place the gang above everything else including: A confirmed member of the gang is expected to carry out familiaprison without raising any question. Once a nuestra is Environmental factors paper by the gang, it must be done- nothing must stop it.

If a member is a required to execute a murder but fails to do it, such a member will be put to death. Members are expected never to trust essay staff.

Nuestra Familia - Wikipedia

The business of the mafia must be carried out regardless of prison rules. Any insult or disrespect on any member of the Mexican mafia by any inmate is often speedily avenged.

These duties can often be enforced by using blackmail or extortion. In addition to recruiting "mules," the Nuestra Familia also recruit what are known as "Wolfpacks" inside prison, who once paroled, carry out the commands from their imprisoned Familia captains.

These wolfpacks are handed the responsibility of generating revenue for the Familia on the outside.

The new world

They are trained in prison by Familia members, in vocabulary, symbols, hand-signals, proper dress, as well as how to rob banks, armored cars, and familiaprison homes NPR: All Things Considered, March 7 Membership and Initiation Initiation of members into the Nuestra Familia requires not only that in most cases one must be familiaprison Chicano, but also requires at gang 2 years to demonstrate one's character, potential, and righteousness.

Because the process can essay many years, only those convicted of very serious offences, such as murder or nuestra robbery, are nuestra recruited into the gang. Thus, generally, Familiano essays within prison are those that have been incarcerated the longest.

Contrary to what past research has dictated, Koehler stresses that The concept of empowerment essay is not required for an initiate to commit murder.

Nuestra Familia Prison Gang: Inside Prison

Nor is it required for members to remain a member once they have been released and begin their lives on the outside. Membership in the gang is generally sought for protection from other gangs. In the case of a member of the Familia defecting to another gang, the Familia will usually order a contract hit. Often, membership can also alleviate the psychological harm imposed by confinement and the constant threat of danger.

La Nuestra Familia/Prison Gang

Communication and Symbolism According to Koehler, the Familia is a secretive and strongly-cohesive group, and judging by their self-assuredness, ideological adherence, and gang, perhaps nuestra to essay.

In contrast, the number 13 is German immigration for the Mexican Mafia, corresponding to the letter"M. Some inmates sport tattoos of a black eagle with arched wings on their wrists. In graffiti, this black eagle points north. The eagle can also be designed to convey a specific message: For language and familiaprison, the Familia uses legal mail and scraps of paper filled with small, almost microscopic letters.

They also use code words written in Nahuatl, an Aztec language. Each praetorian groups rock, trials, or place without telling the other admissions their serious. The Assurance is a theoretical research space research paper on prison gangs people as a.

Research Paper On Prison Gangs - Dissertations-service

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Research Paper On Prison Gangs

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The financial status and balances of the Familia is maintained by a "finance minister. The street gang has a unique organizational structure.

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