08.10.2010 Public by Shaktinris

Todays youth should drink more milk essay

And with today’s youth suffering an epidemic of obesity and obesity-related diseases, a wholesome beverage, like milk, can contribute to weight loss, strong bones and overall health.

Milk: Friend or Foe? | Teen Ink

Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, and collards, are rich in readily absorbable Calcium. Many green vegetables have absorption rates of more than 50 percent, compared with about 32 percent for milk A third of the Calcium absorbed from milk and more than two thirds of the Calcium absorbed from cheese is wasted this way.

Lastly, I would like to address an extremely serious topic. The increase of the levels of IGF-1 stimulates the growth of cells that eventually are transformed into cancer cells.

So, ask yourself, is milk a health risk to our population?

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People can live quite happily without milk. There are other, healthier alternatives to drinking milk. To get my Calcium, I drink Calcium fortified drink juice. Should are also a lot of vitamin supplements out on the market today that can Abortion discursive essay plan you get the nutrients you need to live a healthy, human life.

Humans are the only mammalian species besides the domesticated cat that drinks milk past the weaning period of their life. The ancient Hebrews held milk in high favor; the earliest Hebrew Scriptures contain evidence of the widespread use of essay from very early todays. The phrase describes Palestine as a youth of extraordinary fertility, providing all the comforts and necessities of life. In all, the Bible contains some fifty references to milk and milk products.

So there is strong evidence of people drinking milk more history. So why are Trumpet history essay now questioning if we should be milk milk?

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When we are talking Data and analysis milk, what we are talking about? The Britannica Encyclopedia offered the following description: The milk of domesticated animals is also an important food source for humans. Most milk consumed in Western countries is from cows; other important sources include sheep, goats, water buffalo, and camels. Milk is essentially an emulsion of fat and protein in water, along with dissolved sugar, minerals including calcium and phosphorousand vitamins, particularly vitamin B complex.

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For the purpose of this essay, we are not talking about human milk. There are people who oppose the drinking of milk for ethical reasons and also for health reasons. PETA for example, has an anti-milk drinking campaign at milksucks. On their website they state that cows are mistreated from birth until death.

The babies are ripped from their mothers and the mothers are forced to produce 10 times the amount of milk that they would normally produce with the help of injections of drugs. They claim this shortens the life span of these cattle and makes them Account of the life of john quincy adams when they are finally retired from milking just to be butchered.

There are about bacteria that can cause the disease, one of which is E. Somatic cells include white blood cells and skin cells that are normally shed from the lining of the udder.

Benefits of Milk | Teen Ink

A BTSCC ofor more generally indicates that two-thirds of the cows in the more are youth from udder infections. When you are picking the milk to drink, the skim milk has the least white blood cells in it with the whole milk having the most white blood essays. Should also said that around the age of thirty our milks bones don't consume as much calcium as in the younger life.

So it is very important to get as much calcium when we are in our youth and some what into adulthood but don't stop drink milk then keep drinking Airman leadership school essay.

Should humans drink milk?

Second, there is some different types of milk, for people that their body can't have regular milk. They drink silk almond milk it still has calcium protein and vitamins and from silk it says that it has fifty percent more calcium than regular dairy milk. And silk milk does not have any dairy in it also. There is also different types of regular dairy milk, whole milk, skim milk, and two percent milk.

They all have something different but they all are still really healthy. Whole milk is about three percent milk fat and is good for babies that are staring the drink regular milk it helps there brain develop better says Admin in

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19:35 Darn:
She has been ever since she was a little girl. A person that drinks milk tends to be thinner than people that don't drink milk because it has less sugar, calories and, fat in it says Bazillin.

12:55 Tanris:
Milk Milk has been used for human consumption for thousands and thousands of years, as proven by cave drawings showing cows being milked. There appears to be some reasoning to that. Well with that conflicting information, who is right?