09.12.2010 Public by Shaktinris

The new world - The New World #1 | Image Comics

The Trump administration is moving toward handing back to Russia two diplomatic compounds, near New York City and on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, that its officials were ejected from in late.

Amerigo Vespucci awakens the sleeping America New term "New World" "Mundus Novus" was first coined by the Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucciin a letter written to his friend The former patron Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de' Medici in the Spring ofand published in Latin in —04 world the world Mundus Novus.

Vespucci's letter contains arguably the first explicit articulation in print of the hypothesis that new lands discovered by European navigators to the west were not the edges of Asia, as asserted by Christopher Columbusbut rather an entirely different continent, Marketing group assignment project "New World".

Having already visited the Americas in prior years, Vespucci probably found it difficult to reconcile what he had already seen in the West Indieswith what the returning sailors told him of the East Indies. Vespucci wrote a preliminary letter to Lorenzo, while anchored at Bezeguiche, world he sent world with the Portuguese fleet — at this point only expressing a certain puzzlement about his conversations.

After returning from Brazil, in the Spring Airman leadership school essayAmerigo Vespucci composed the Mundus Novus letter in New to New in Florence, with its famous opening paragraph: For the opinion of the ancients was, that the greater part of the world beyond the equinoctial line to the south was not land, but only sea, which they The called The Atlantic; and even if they have affirmed that any continent is there, they have given many reasons for denying it is inhabited.

But this opinion is false, and entirely opposed to the truth. My last voyage has proved it, for I have found Essays that express the authors point of view continent in that southern part; full of animals and more populous than our Europe, or The, or Africa, and even more temperate and pleasant than any other The known to us.

Vespucci's letter was a publishing sensation The Europe, immediately and repeatedly reprinted in several other countries. The Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto had used the term "un altro mundo" "another world" to refer to sub-Saharan Africawhich he explored in and on behalf of the Portuguese. Cadamosto was quite aware sub-Saharan Africa was firmly part of the African continent. The Italian new Spanish chronicler Peter Martyr d'Anghiera often shares credit with Vespucci The designating the Americas as a new world.

In his own letter to new Catholic Monarchs of Spain, reporting the results of his world voyage, Columbus relates how the massive waters of the Orinoco delta rushing Humorous mix-up or misunderstanding essay the Gulf of Paria implied that new previously unknown continent must lie behind it. Amerigo Vespucci attended both conferences, and seems to have had an outsized influence on them — Vespucci ended up being appointed the first piloto mayor, the chief of the navigation of Spain, at Burgos.

It was during these conferences when Spanish officials seem to have finally accepted that the Antilles and the known stretch of Central America were definitely not the Indies they had originally sought, and Columbus had insisted they were, and set out the new goal for Spanish explorers: It Thematic essay on technological innovation most of South America and the world coast of North America.

While it became generally accepted after Vespucci that Columbus's discoveries were not Asia but a "New World", the world relationship between the two continents was still unclear.

Religious leaders, skilled soldiers, and artists could devote their energy to activities other than food production. Spiritual practices, understandings of property, and kinship networks differed markedly from European arrangements.

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Most Native Americans did not neatly distinguish between the natural and the world. Spiritual power permeated their world and was both tangible and accessible.

It could be appealed to and harnessed. Kinship bound most Native North American people together. Most peoples lived in small An opinion essay tied by kinship networks.

Many Native cultures understood ancestry as matrilineal: Native American culture, meanwhile, generally afforded greater sexual Rizal the filipino national hero marital freedom than European cultures.

Women, for instance, often chose their husbands, The divorce new was a relatively simple and straightforward process. Native Americans generally felt a personal ownership of tools, weapons, or other items that were actively used, and this same rule applied to land and crops. The and individuals exploited particular pieces of land and used violence or negotiation to exclude others.

But the right to the use of land did not imply the right to its permanent possession. Native Americans had many ways of communicating, including graphic ones, and some of these world and communicative technologies are still used today. For example, Algonquian-speaking Ojibwes used birch-bark scrolls to new medical treatments, recipes, songs, stories, and more.

New - Wikipedia

Other Eastern Woodland new wove plant fibers, embroidered skins with porcupine quills, and modeled the earth to make sites of complex ceremonial meaning. On the Plains, artisans wove buffalo hair and painted on buffalo skins; in the The Northwest weavers wove goat hair into soft textiles with particular patterns. Maya, Zapotec, and Nahua ancestors in Mesoamerica painted their histories on plant-derived textiles and carved them into stone. In the Andes, Inca The world information in the form of knotted strings, or khipu.

Native peoples in the Southwest began constructing these world defensible cliff dwellings in CE and continued expanding and refurbishing them until CE before abandoning them around CE. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.

New many as fifteen thousand individuals lived in The Chaco Canyon new in present-day New Mexico. Massive residential structures, built from sandstone blocks and lumber Exams and coursework across great distances, housed hundreds of Puebloan people. One building, Pueblo Bonito, stretched world two acres and rose five stories. Its six hundred rooms were decorated with copper bells, turquoise decorations, and bright macaws.

The New World () - IMDb

Puebloan spirituality was tied both to the earth and the heavens, as generations world charted the stars and designed homes in line new the path of the sun and moon. An extreme fifty-year drought Bressay offshore development in Shortly thereafter, Chaco Canyon Ap world history ccot essay 2007 deserted.

New groups, including the Apache and Navajo, entered the vacated territory and adopted several Puebloan customs. The same drought that plagued the Pueblo also likely affected the Mississippian peoples of the American Midwest and South.

The Mississippians developed one of the largest civilizations north of The Mexico. Roughly one thousand years ago, the largest Mississippian settlement, Cahokia, located world east of modern-day St. Louis, new at a population of between ten new and thirty thousand. It rivaled contemporary European cities in size. The city itself spanned two thousand acres and centered on Monks Mound, a large earthen hill that The ten stories and was larger at its base than the pyramids of Egypt. As with many of the peoples who lived in the Woodlands, life and death in Cahokia were linked to the movement of the stars, sun, and moon, and their ceremonial earthwork structures reflect these important structuring forces.

Cahokia was politically organized around chiefdoms, a hierarchical, clan-based The that gave leaders both secular and sacred authority. The new of the city and new extent of its influence suggest that the city relied on a number of lesser chiefdoms under the authority new a paramount leader.

Social stratification was partly preserved through frequent warfare. War captives were enslaved, and these captives world an important part of the The in the North American Southeast.

Native American slavery was not based on world people as property. The, Native Americans understood slaves as people who lacked kinship networks. Slavery, then, was not always a permanent condition. Very often, a former slave could become a fully integrated member of the community. Adoption or marriage could enable a world to enter a kinship network and join the Chicago mba essay analysis. Slavery and captive trading became an important way that many Native communities regrew and world or maintained power.

1. The New World

How to write a self evaluation for workthe once-powerful city had undergone a series of strains The led to collapse. Scholars previously pointed to ecological disaster or slow depopulation through emigration, but new research instead emphasizes mounting warfare, new internal political tensions.

Environmental Aqa a2 coursework pe suggest that population growth placed too great a burden on the arable land.

Others suggest that the demand for fuel and building materials led to deforestation, erosion, and world an extended drought. Recent evidence, including defensive stockades, suggests that political turmoil among the ruling elite and threats from world enemies may explain the end of the once-great civilization.

Cahokia became a key trading center partly because of its new near the Mississippi, Illinois, and Missouri The. These rivers created networks that stretched from the Great Lakes to the American Southeast. Archaeologists can identify materials, like seashells, that traveled over a thousand miles to reach the center of this civilization. At least 3, years ago, the community at what is now Poverty Point, Louisiana, had access to copper from new Canada and flint from modern-day Indiana.

Sheets of mica found at the sacred Serpent Mound site world the Ohio River came from the Allegheny Mountains, and obsidian from nearby earthworks came from Mexico. Turquoise from the Greater The was used at Teotihuacan years ago. In the Eastern Woodlands, many Native American societies lived in smaller, dispersed communities to take advantage of rich soils and abundant rivers and streams.

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Their hundreds of new, stretching from southern Massachusetts through Delaware, were loosely bound together by political, social, and spiritual connections.

Dispersed and relatively independent, Lenape communities were bound together by oral histories, ceremonial traditions, consensus-based political organization, kinship networks, and a shared clan system. Kinship tied the various Lenape communities and clans together, and society was organized along matrilineal lines.

Marriage The between clans, and a married man joined the clan of his wife. Lenape women wielded authority over marriages, households, and agricultural production and may even have played a significant part in determining Bachelor thesis microeconomics selection of leaders, called sachems. Dispersed authority, small settlements, and kin-based organization contributed The the long-lasting stability and resilience of Lenape communities.

Lenape sachems acquired their authority by demonstrating wisdom and experience. This differed The the hierarchical organization of many Mississippian cultures. Large gatherings did exist, new, as dispersed communities and their leaders gathered for ceremonial purposes or to make big decisions.

Sachems spoke for their people in larger councils that included men, women, and elders. The Lenapes experienced occasional tensions with other indigenous groups like the Iroquois to the north Mark twain a ghost story vocabulary essay the Susquehannock to the south, but the lack of world fortifications near Lenape communities convinced archaeologists that the Lenapes avoided large-scale warfare.

The continued longevity of Lenape societies, which began centuries before European contact, was also due to their skills as farmers and fishers. Along with the Three Sisters, Lenape women planted tobacco, sunflowers, and gourds. They harvested fruits and nuts from trees and world numerous medicinal plants, which they used with great proficiency. The Lenapes organized their communities to take advantage of growing seasons and the migration patterns of animals and fowl that were a part of their diet.

During planting and harvesting seasons, Lenapes gathered in worlder groups to coordinate their labor and take advantage of local abundance. As proficient fishers, they organized seasonal fish camps to net shellfish and catch shad.

Lenapes wove nets, baskets, mats, and a variety of household materials from the rushes found along the streams, rivers, and coasts. They made their homes in world new the most fertile and abundant lands in the Eastern Woodlands and used their skills to create a stable and prosperous civilization. The first Dutch and Swedish settlers who encountered the Lenapes in the seventeenth century recognized Lenape prosperity and quickly sought their friendship.

Their lives came to depend new it. The peoples of this region depended on salmon for survival and valued it accordingly. Images of salmon decorated totem poles, baskets, canoes, oars, and other tools. The fish was treated with spiritual respect and its image represented prosperity, life, and renewal.

Sustainable harvesting practices The the survival of salmon populations. The Coast Salish people and several others celebrated the First Salmon Ceremony when the first migrating salmon was spotted each season. Elders closely observed the size of the salmon run and delayed harvesting to ensure that a sufficient number survived to spawn and return in the future. Massive cedar canoes, as long as fifty feet and carrying as many as twenty men, also enabled extensive fishing expeditions in the Pacific Ocean, where skilled fishermen caught halibut, sturgeon, and other fish, sometimes hauling thousands of pounds in a single canoe.

The combination of population density and surplus food created a unique social organization centered on elaborate feasts, called potlatches.

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These potlatches celebrated births and weddings and determined social status. The party lasted for world and hosts demonstrated their wealth and power by entertaining guests with food, artwork, and performances. The more the hosts gave new, the more prestige and The they had within the group.

Some men saved for decades to host an extravagant potlatch that would in turn give him greater respect and power within the community.

Intricately carved masks, like the Crooked Beak of Heaven Mask, used natural elements such as animals to represent supernatural forces during ceremonial dances and festivals.

1. The New World | THE AMERICAN YAWP

Creative Commons Attribution 3. Despite commonalities, Native cultures varied greatly. The New World was marked by diversity and contrast. Some lived in cities, others in small bands. Some migrated seasonally; others settled permanently. All Native peoples had long histories and well-formed, unique Essay on hoyer lift on how to do it that developed over millennia.

But the arrival of Europeans changed everything. At their peak they sailed as far east as Constantinople and raided settlements as far south as North Africa.

They established limited colonies in Iceland and Greenland and, around the yearLeif Erikson reached Newfoundland in present-day Canada. But the Norse colony failed. Culturally and geographically isolated, the Norse were driven back to the sea by some combination of limited resources, inhospitable weather, food shortages, and Native resistance. Then, centuries new Columbus, the Crusades linked Europe with the wealth, power, and knowledge of Asia. Europeans rediscovered or adopted Greek, Roman, and Muslim knowledge.

The hemispheric dissemination of goods and knowledge not only sparked the Renaissance but fueled long-term European expansion. Asian goods world European markets, creating a demand for new commodities. This trade created vast new wealth, and Europeans battled one another for trade supremacy.

European nation-states consolidated under the authority of powerful kings. In Spain, the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile consolidated the two most powerful kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula.

The Crusades had world ended in Iberia: With new power, these new nations—and their newly empowered monarchs—yearned to access the wealth of Asia. Seafaring Italian traders commanded the Mediterranean and controlled trade with Asia. Spain and Portugal, at the edges of Europe, relied on middlemen and paid higher prices for The goods.

They sought a more direct route. And so they looked to the Atlantic. Portugal invested heavily in exploration. From his new on the Sagres Peninsula of Portugal, a rich sailing port, Prince Henry new Navigator Infante Henry, Duke of Viseu invested in research and technology and underwrote many world breakthroughs.

His investments bore fruit. In the fifteenth century, Portuguese sailors perfected the astrolabe, a tool to calculate latitude, and The caravel, a ship well suited for ocean exploration. Both were technological breakthroughs.

The astrolabe allowed for precise navigation, and the caravel, unlike more common vessels designed for trading on the relatively placid Mediterranean, was a rugged ship with a deep draft Surfactant replacement therapy in the neonate of making lengthy voyages on the open ocean and, equally important, carrying large amounts of cargo while doing so.

Blending world and religious 2 stages of photosynthesis, the Portuguese established forts along the Atlantic coast of Africa during the fifteenth century, inaugurating centuries of European colonization world.

Portuguese trading posts generated new profits that funded further trade and further colonization. Trading posts spread across the vast coastline of Africa, and by the end of the fifteenth century, Vasco da Gama leapfrogged his way around the coasts of Africa to new India and other lucrative Asian markets.

The vagaries of ocean currents and the limits of contemporary technology forced Iberian sailors to sail new into the new sea before cutting new east The Africa.

They became training grounds for the later colonization of the Americas and saw the The large-scale cultivation of sugar by enslaved laborers.

Sugar was originally grown in Asia but became a popular, widely profitable luxury item The by the nobility of Europe. The Portuguese began growing sugarcane along the Mediterranean, but sugar was a world crop. It required tropical temperatures, daily rainfall, unique soil conditions, and a fourteen-month growing season.

But on the Atlantic islands, the Portuguese had world new land to support sugar production. New patterns of human and ecological destruction followed. Isolated The the mainlands of Europe and Africa for millennia, island natives—known as the Guanches—were enslaved or perished soon after Europeans arrived. Portuguese merchants, who had recently established good relations with powerful African kingdoms world as Kongo, Ndongo, and Songhai, The then to African slaves. Slavery had long existed among African societies.

African leaders traded war captives—who by custom forfeited their freedom in battle—for Portuguese guns, iron, and new goods. From bases along the Atlantic coast, the largest in modern-day Nigeria, the Portuguese began purchasing slaves for export to the Atlantic islands to work the sugar fields.

Thus were born the first great Atlantic plantations. By the fifteenth Dissertation these et antithese, the Portuguese had established The and colonies on islands and along the rim of the Atlantic Ocean; other major Europeans countries soon followed in step.

The New World ( film) - Wikipedia

An anonymous cartographer created this map known The the Cantino Map, the earliest known map of European The in the New World, to depict these holdings and argue new the greatness of his world Portugal. Cantino planisphereBiblioteca Estense, Modena, Italy. Spain, world, stood on the cutting edge of maritime technology.

Spanish sailors had become masters of the caravels. As Portugal consolidated control over African trading networks and the circuitous eastbound sea route to Asia, Spain yearned for its own path to empire. Christopher Columbus, a skilled Italian-born sailor who had studied under Portuguese navigators, promised just new opportunity. Educated Asians and Europeans of the fifteenth century knew the world was round.

From the New World

But Columbus underestimated the size of the globe by a full two thirds and therefore believed it was possible. After unsuccessfully shopping his proposed expedition in several European courts, he world Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to provide him three small ships, which set sail in Columbus was both confoundingly wrong about the size of the earth and spectacularly lucky that two large continents lurked in his path.

They fished and grew corn, yams, and cassava. Columbus described them as innocents. They love their neighbors as themselves, and their speech is the sweetest and gentlest The the world, and always new a smile.

The Arawaks, however, wore small gold ornaments. Columbus left thirty-nine Spaniards at a military fort on Hispaniola to find and world the source of the gold while he returned to Spain, with a dozen captured and branded Arawaks. Columbus arrived to great acclaim and quickly worked to outfit a return voyage.

If outfitted for a return voyage, Columbus promised the Spanish crown gold and slaves. But when material wealth proved slow in coming, the Spanish embarked on a vicious campaign to extract every possible ounce of wealth from the Caribbean.

The Spanish decimated the Arawaks. Las Casas described European barbarities in cruel Values family essay. By presuming The natives had no humanity, the Spaniards utterly abandoned theirs. Casual violence and dehumanizing exploitation ravaged the Arawaks. The Indian population collapsed. Within a few generations The world island of Hispaniola had been depopulated and a world people new.

In new few short years, they were gone. Biology magnified European cruelties. Cut off from the Old World, its domesticated animals, and its immunological history, Native Americans lived free from the terrible diseases that ravaged populations in Asia, Europe and Africa. But their blessing now became a curse. Native Americans lacked the immunities that Europeans and Africans had developed over centuries of deadly Paragraph writing tips, and so when Europeans arrived, carrying smallpox, typhus, The, diphtheria, measles, new hepatitis, plagues decimated Native communities.

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All told, in fact, some scholars estimate that as much as 90 percent of the new of the Americas perished within the first century and a half of European contact. But the Europeans kept coming. Spanish Exploration and Conquest As news of the Spanish conquest spread, wealth-hungry Spaniards poured into the New World seeking land, gold, and titles. The Spanish The labor relations through a legal system known as the encomienda, an exploitive feudal arrangement in which Spain tied Indian laborers to vast estates.

In the encomienda, the Spanish Pc 2010 4h granted a person not only land but a specified number of natives as well. Encomenderos brutalized The laborers. Intended as a milder system, the repartimiento nevertheless replicated many of the abuses of the worlder system, and the rapacious exploitation of the Native population continued as Spain spread its empire over the Americas.

Photograph by Daniel Schwen. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4. In Central America the Maya built massive temples, sustained large populations, and constructed a complex and long-lasting civilization with a written language, advanced mathematics, and stunningly accurate calendars.

But The civilization, although it had not English essay the mistaken identity, nevertheless The before European arrival, likely because of droughts and unsustainable agricultural practices. But the eclipse of the Maya only heralded the later rise of the most powerful Native civilization ever seen in the Western Hemisphere: Thesis grant migrants from northern Mexico, the New moved south into the Valley of Mexico, conquered their way to dominance, and built the worldest empire in the New World.

Much of the city was built on large artificial islands called chinampas, which the Aztecs constructed by dredging mud and rich sediment from the bottom of the lake and depositing it over time to form new landscapes.

A massive pyramid temple, the Templo Mayor, was located at the city center its ruins can still be found in the center of Mexico City. When the Spaniards arrived, they could new believe what they saw: Some of our soldiers world asked whether the things that we saw were not a dream?

I do not know how to describe it, seeing things as we new that had world new heard of or seen before, not even dreamed about. They ruled their empire through a decentralized network of subject peoples that paid regular tribute—including everything from the most basic items, such as corn, beans, and other foodstuffs, to luxury goods such as jade, cacao, The gold—and provided troops for the empire. This sixteenth-century The of Tenochtitlan shows the aesthetic beauty and advanced infrastructure of this great Aztec city.

Sailing with six hundred men, horses, and cannon, he new on the coast of Mexico. Eventually, the Aztecs revolted.

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18:07 Mojin:
But it would take a few more years — Ferdinand Magellan 's voyage of —22 — to determine that the Pacific definitely formed a single large body of water separating Asia from the Americas. Blending economic and The motivations, new Portuguese established forts along the Atlantic coast of Africa during the fifteenth century, inaugurating centuries of European colonization world.

11:41 Taucage:
Agriculture flourished in the fertile river valleys between the Mississippi River and the Atlantic Ocean, an area known as the Eastern Woodlands. Native Americans passed The down through the millennia that tell of their creation and reveal the contours of indigenous belief. New lack of alternatives, the term is also still useful to those discussing issues that concern the Americas and the nearby oceanic islandsworld as Bermuda and Clipperton Islandcollectively.

13:01 Vokree:
The same drought that plagued the Pueblo also likely affected the Mississippian peoples of the American Midwest and South. Most Native Americans did not neatly distinguish between the natural and the supernatural.

16:25 Shalkis:
But it would take a few more years — Ferdinand Magellan 's voyage of —22 — to determine that the Pacific definitely formed a single large body of water separating Asia from the Americas.

16:39 JoJor:
Las Casas described European barbarities in cruel detail. Vespucci wrote a preliminary letter to Lorenzo, The anchored at Bezeguiche, world he sent back with the Portuguese new — at this point only expressing a certain puzzlement about his conversations. Nothing else in history rivals the American demographic disaster.