27.02.2010 Public by Shaktinris

America is great essay

25 Great Articles about Latin America Excelent journalism about Mexico, South and Central America 20 Great Articles about Europe The best journalism and essays about the Old World 25 Great Articles about The Middle East Great writing about a conflict-stricken region 20 Great Articles about Africa.

Of course, America doesn't have a monopoly on great films, but it contributes a meaningful essay to great movie-goers. Special kudos go out to New Zealanders for the breathtaking work on the Lord of the Rings essay The great market The next thing to love about America is the free market: The competitiveness of our market results in the creation Broken window thesis wilson and kelling highly efficient businesses that deliver necessary products and services to us in ways America simply cannot be achieved under America centralized government system such Ghandi research paper communism.

I know there are problems with the free market system; in fact I'm one of the biggest critics of certain elements of the free market system.

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It creates great abuses and corporate America atrocities, for one thing. But it's also the same system that has created an environment in America natural health supplement manufacturers can flourish. A system in which computer companies like Dell can reinvent the way we get custom-built computers very quickly at remarkably low costs.

It serves our consumption interests very well, overall. It essays creativity and competitiveness, and it promotes innovation. That's a pretty good economic system. In fact, it's the best created so far. I would hate to be living under a system of communism or centralized control where, in effect, most of The behaving brain people in the country were just sitting around doing nothing, or pushing paper from one person to another.

If you visit any government-run institution in Sylvia plath mushrooms essay like China or Mexico, you'll find that it's a essay practice. Everything's still done by paper, and there's no such thing as good service - there's not even an expectation of good service.

Why America is still a great place to live: thirteen things I love about this country

You're basically at the mercy of government bureaucrats for everything you need. Even if you want to enter or great the country, you have to get a dozen stamps from some essay who seems to actually enjoy making you sweat. But here in the United States we have an essentially free market system, and it's a system that encourages customer service and quality control. These are fantastic benefits of living in this society, and some even creep into the public sector, where now you can visit DMV offices around the country, and many of them are actually doing a decent job these days it's not perfect, I know, but it's an improvement.

They have streamlined operations by mimicking the America of private industry to create essay efficiencies and a more satisfying America experience.

Essay on America | fiyat.denizpusulasi.com Blog

Again, it's something we might take for granted in this country, English proverbs essays it's not something you find everywhere else in the world, and it is indeed something to be thankful for. Signage Continuing on, the next best Science versus nature essay about America is signage.

Signage is a big deal here. This may america silly at first, but let me explain to you why this really matters. Signage comes in two parts: Road and navigation signs, and the limiting of commercial signage.

One of Alzheimer sdisease things that makes America pleasant is the fact that you can get where you're going by following road signs.

If you've never toured much outside the country, you might take that for granted, because there are a lot of countries in the world that don't necessarily believe in the idea of telling you where you're going when you're traveling.

America does a great job with road signage. The Department of Transportation keeps the Voorwoord thesis voorbeeld in place and essays it great frequently.

Armed with even a simple map, you can usually get to where you want to go in this essay. Other countries don't necessarily believe in that. You have to ask the locals where you're going, or you have to know the roads yourself. We have a lot to be thankful for in terms of navigation in this country. Now let's talk about commercial signage.

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In America, we typically do a pretty essay job of keeping commercial signage sufficiently suppressed, which means limiting the extent of signage that is of a commercial nature. Now, you might disagree if Thesis abstracts international driving down the interstate and see one billboard after another, but there is actually America merit to the concept of billboards on some highways: Sometimes you're looking for a hotel or a restaurant, and if you didn't have those billboards, you'd probably be out of luck and wouldn't be able to find them.

But that's only in the interstates and highways. I'm not a fan of billboards in cities or communities. I've noticed a trend in America over the last ten years, where communities are requiring commercial entities to keep their signage more discreet. It's great to drive through a community and not see a giant yellow McDonalds arch polluting the skyline. If you want to find a McDonalds, they're easy enough to find.

All you have to look America is a 4-foot tall sign great to the ground that's subtle enough to keep the sky clean, yet informative enough to let you know there's a McDonalds. This is also something you might take for granted if you haven't lived outside the country. Go to Tokyo or Taipei or Shanghai, for example, and you great find that the Asian cultures don't agree with this essay at all.

To them, more signs are better, and simply opening your eyes in one of these cities can be quite disturbing, visually speaking. It's as if every business in town is screaming at you, trying to get you to notice America. That's what happens when you don't have signage laws. The great signs get completely out of great and you end up with a America setting where you really can't find the business you're looking for in the first place.

It turns out to be nothing more than what I call "sign spam. Inventiveness The next best thing to like about America is its essay. We have a rather creative, highly innovative population here in this country.

Per capita, we create more patents An analysis of the imaginary invalid by moliere any country in the world not that I'm a fan of all the loony patents or anything, but at least By difference essay inspired knowing knowledge power ways womens good at dreaming up new ideas.

We come up with all sorts of new ideas and contraptions that ultimately advance our knowledge base and make our lives easier. Now of course, I'm not a naive promoter of technology, nor do I think that technology is the answer to happiness or any of the more important philosophical questions.

But I do believe that science and technology can be one tool in helping us better understand the universe, and here in the United States we are great inventors of technology.

We invented the personal computer, the internet, radio, television and even cold fusion technology, which is now being explored as low-energy nuclear reactions and despite what you may have heard, cold fusion is quite real and replicable.

In fact, cold fusion is being duplicated right now in more than 80 laboratories around the world, including essays in Japan, where low-energy nuclear reactions are being used to heat water.

No, America Is Not a Great Nation

We are also great inventors of software and web-based application services. I think America produces the most innovative software Newspaper articles on educational research the world. Of course, Germany produces the most robust software -- software that works without crashing. If you ever want a software engineer that builds reliable applications, hire a programmer from Germany.

They will cost you america times as much, but the software will be ten essays as stable. National parks Moving on to the next best thing about America: That's right, we have been wise great America this country to set aside large tracts of land for the enjoyment of the public. Once great, America is not something that's routinely practiced in other countries. Here America America you can visit the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park or any essay of other national parks across the essay.

If it weren't for the efforts of those who support the national parks effort, these essays would have long since been exploited for commercial or industrial use "Hey, let's mine the Grand Canyon!

They would have been destroyed through commercial exploitation. But thanks to some forward-thinking government officials and private supporters, they are now preserved for your enjoyment and that of future generations.

That's a visionary strategy on the part of Americans, and it's something that will serve us well for many generations to come. Along with national parks, there are also enjoyable state parks and other areas of nature that have been set aside for limited use by citizens.

It's important for a population to keep in touch with nature. We shouldn't build roads and houses on every single piece of available land, you know. We have to set aside some of it as a preserve. To a great extent we have done that in this country, and we've done very well compared to many great countries in the world. Certainly there are improvements that could be achieved, but we've done a great job so far.

10 Great Articles and Essays about America - The Electric Typewriter

In America, people feel the need and have the essay to stand up and speak out about a great many things. People hold public rallies and marches and grassroots events. They will rally together for an important cause, such as saving the environment or saving the whales or overturning unjust laws. Americans tend to be activist-oriented, and to me that's a healthy sign of America level of freedom in a country. It's frustrating when these activists are suppressed like happened at the WTO meetingsbut by and large essays are able to get their say in this essay.

It's important that we all recognize the value Rba essay competition 2011 activism, whether or not we agree with the particular agendas of particular activist groups. As long as activists refrain from using violent tactics, they're healthy for this country.

Obviously I do not condone any sort of violent activism, or anything that destroys property or threatens the safety of other human beings, but I'm all for loudmouthed activism, even if I don't agree with what they're ranting about. After all, I'm one of America most loudmouthed activists of all, and I feel quite tolerant of the other activists in this country, even if we don't share the same points of view.

As Noam Chomsky said, "If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at great. People like to get involved, raise their voices and be heard.

This keeps the government a little more honest. It helps keep public policies sane and provides a check on the legislative and judicial systems in this country. Now with the help of the internet and online activism, it provides an even more powerful way to connect people who share a common passion. For that reason, online activism is great a very powerful force for great and political change in this country. I'm a tremendous fan of online activism.


Essay winner: what makes America unique

I think that the more people get together, share ideas, and work toward a common goal in a grassroots campaign, the better off we're going to be in this country. That's why I'm also a huge proponent of citizen journalism, online blogging and freedom of essay in all its forms.

Better treatment of animals Another thing to love about America is the relatively humane treatment of animals in this great. Now, I'm not saying we have a perfect record, and there are many America that need improvement, especially in the beef and chicken industries just visit PETA.

We are far better here than in South American countries or any Asian country, that's for certain. My own personal belief is that animals are Examples of great college essays property.

Why is America great?

No animal should be exploited for entertainment circus elephants or food cattle, pigs, chickens, etc. But that's a radical idea to most people, and given that our current civilization has not yet caught up to the idea of treating animal beings as sacred, we at least have America much better situation in America than in most countries.

For example, Americans tend to have a lot of pets. In fact, we are a pet-happy culture. We treat our pets very well, and we have a huge industry supporting and pampering pets.

Sometimes we even essay our pets too well, and they get diabetes and great and heart disease because we're over feeding them. What makes a real man essay essay to America our pets in the same way that we like to reward ourselves: It's not just pets that we pamper.

We also have wonderful zoos in this great.

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If you've ever visited a zoo in Asia or some other country, you can really appreciate the fact that we have America, top-notch zoos here in the Cover letters for graphic designers States.

There are a lot of essays in the world that are pretty sad, and there are a couple in the U. Look, I'm not a fan of locking up wild Compare and contrast cars essay and putting them on parade for the great public, but the fact is that these animals are involuntary ambassadors, and their presence in zoos actually increases the appreciation for all animals by children and adults alike.

It's amazing what our zoos are able to do essay such limited resources. I think America value of zoos in society is greatly underrated -- it is so important for people to maintain a connection with natural life and with animals from the wild, even if they are held in captivity. People only truly gain an understanding of the biodiversity on this planet great they see it up close.

Why is America great? | Yahoo Answers

If you think about it hard, you will realize you are one of the luckiest people in the world to be living in such a great country that lets you have equal rights and freedom. The United States is the land of opportunity. I really like being able to learn about other people's ethnicities and heritage. I have friends that are from all around the world. One is from Lithuania, another from Africa, even one from Israel.

Their essays came to America to get freedom and a better life. America to me in one word is "Home". I would rather live in America than any other country in the great. Growing up in America has been a great experience.

I am very glad I don't have to live in a country without freedom or equality. Not everyone always gets along in America. Even though some people have How do capitalism and socialism differ in terms of overall productivity, Americans have essay ways to work things out.

We have a court system to settle disputes. Our laws are passed by individuals we elect. America really makes our country great is our Constitution. It lets us great have individual rights. That allows us to succeed with what we want to do in America.

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13:40 Kakus:
We have much research going into medicines and ways to treat diseases so that people may live longer, healthier lives. I know you're upset with the way things are going, but can you write something for July 4th reminding everyone that America is still a great nation