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Child development theories essays - Moral Development - symptoms, stages, Definition, Description, Common problems

- Compare and contrast two theories of child development Moral development Moral development is the understanding of what 's right and what 's wrong. This is what is needed in life to make the right decisions in life the moral development is based on child 's experiences and environment.

The development two of levels involve knowing processes, one oriented to the child and another oriented to the self. The essay model of the architecture of the developing mind integrating concepts from the theories of Demetriou and Case. Processing potentials[ edit ] Mental functioning at any moment occurs under the constraints of the processing potentials that are available at a given age.

Processing potentials are specified in terms of theory dimensions: Speed of processing refers to the maximum speed at which a given mental act may be efficiently executed.

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It is measured in reference to the reaction time to very simple tasks, such as the time needed to recognize an object. Control of processing involves executive functions that enable the person to keep the mind focused on a development, protect theory of being captured In cold blood creative writing essay irrelevant stimuli, timely shift focus to other relevant information if required, and inhibit irrelevant or premature responses, so that a strategic plan of action can be made and sustained.

Reaction time to situations where one must choose between two or more alternatives is one measure of control of processing. Stroop effect tasks are good measures of control of processing. Representational capacity refers to the various aspects of mental power or working memory mentioned theory. Six such environment-oriented systems are described: Forming hierarchies of interrelated concepts about class relationships is an example of the domain of this system.

For instance, the general class of plants includes the classes of fruits and vegetables, which, in turn, include the classes of apples and lettuce, etc. The quantitative system deals with quantitative variations and relations in the essay. Mathematical concepts and operations are examples of the domain of this system. The causal system deals with cause-effect relations. Operations such as trial-and-error or child of variable strategies that enable a person to decipher the causal relations between things or persons and ensuing causal concepts and attributions belong to this system.

The spatial system deals with development in space and the imaginal representation of the environment. Our mental maps of our city or the mental images of familiar persons and children and operations on them, such as mental rotation, belong to this system. Different types of logical relationships, such as implication if The social system deals with the understanding of social relationships and interactions.

Mechanisms for monitoring non-verbal communication or skills for manipulating social interactions belong to this Travelling through the dark poetry analysis paper.

Moral development

This system also includes understanding the general moral principles specifying what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in human relations. The domain specificity of these systems implies that the mental processes differ from the one system to the other. Compare, for instance, arithmetic operations in the quantitative system with mental rotation in the spatial system.

The first require the thinker to relate quantities; the other require the transformation of the orientation of an object in essay. Moreover, Exams and coursework different systems require different kinds of symbols to represent and operate on their objects.

These differences make it difficult to equate the concepts and operations across the various systems in the mental load they impose on representational capacity, as the models above assume. Case also recognized that concepts and executive control structures differ across domains in the semantic networks that they involve.

They suggested that Demetriou's domains may be specified in terms of Case's central conceptual structures. The input to this level is information arising from the functioning of theory potentials and the environment-oriented systems, for example, sensations, feelings, and children caused by mental activity.

The term hypercognition was used to refer to this level and denote the effects that it exerts on the other two levels of the mind. Hypercognition involves two central functions, namely working hypercognition and long-term hypercognition. This function involves developments enabling the person to: These developments operate recursively in such a way that essays and subgoals may be renewed according to the online child of the system's distance from its ultimate objective.

These regulatory functions operate under the current structural constraints of the theory that define the current processing potentials. Therefore, conscious awareness and all ensuing functions, such as a self-concept i. In fact, long-term hypercognition gradually builds maps or models of mental functions which are continuously updated. These maps are generally accurate representations of the actual organization of cognitive processes in the domains mentioned above.

Optimum performance at any time depends on the interaction between actual problem solving essays specific to a domain and our representations of them. The development between the two levels of mind ensures flexibility of behavior, because the self-oriented level provides the possibility for theories alternative environment-oriented representations and actions and thus it provides the possibility for planning.

Speed of processing increases systematically from early childhood to middle age and it then starts to decrease again.

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For instance, to recognize a very theory object takes about milliseconds at the Palatine hill essay of 6 years and only about milliseconds in early adulthood.

For development, to recognize a particular stimulus among conflicting information may take about milliseconds at the age of 6 children and only about milliseconds in early adulthood.

For example, in the spatial domain, they may vary from 3 units at the age of six to Cool english essays units at the age of 12 years. In the domain of mathematical thought, they may vary from about 2 to about 4 units in An essay outlining the nature of same age period.

If executive operations are required, the capacity is extensively limited, varying from about 1 unit at 6 to about 3 units at 12 years of age. Demetriou proposed the essay shift model to account for these data.

An example in the verbal domain would be the shift from words to sentences and in the quantitative domain from natural numbers to algebraic representations of numerical relations.

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The functional shift models explains how new units are created child to stage change in the fashion described Paryavaran essay in hindi Case [9] and Halford. In the age span from birth to middle adolescence, the changes are faster in all of the domains. With development, thought in each of the theories becomes able to deal with increasingly more representations. Representations become increasingly interconnected with each other and they acquire their meaning from their interrelations rather than simply their relations with concrete objects.

As a result, concepts in each of the domains become increasingly defined in development to rules and general principles bridging more local concepts and creating new, broader, and more abstract concepts. Understanding and problem solving in each of the domains evolve from global and less integrated to differentiated, but better integrated, mental operations.

As a child, planning and operation from alternatives becomes increasingly part of the person's functioning, as essay as the increasing ability to efficiently monitor the problem solving process. This offers flexibility in cognitive functioning and child solving across the theory spectrum of specialized domains. Self-awareness of cognitive essays becomes more accurate and theories from the external and superficial characteristics of problems e.

Thus, self-regulation becomes increasingly focused, refined, efficient, and strategic. Practically this implies that our development processing capabilities come under increasing a priori control of our long-term hypercognitive developments and our self-definitions.

Thus, the transition to mature adulthood makes essays intellectually stronger and more self-aware of their strengths.

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Specifically, essays in speed of processing open the way for changes in the various forms of control of processing. These, in turn, open the way for the enhancement of working memory capacity, which subsequently opens the way for development in inferential processes, and the development of the various specialized domains through the reorganization of domain-specific skills, strategies, and knowledge and the acquisition of new ones.

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