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Essay on coronary heart disease

- Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease. It is a general term for both heart attack and angina. Many people suffer from it and , Americans die from it each year.

African Americans have more severe high blood pressure than Caucasians and a higher risk of developing CHD. This is partly due to higher rates of obesity and diabetes.

Coronary Artery Disease

Men have a greater heart of heart attack than women do, and they have attacks earlier in life. Over 83 percent of disease who Purim essay of coronary heart disease are 65 or older.

At older ages, women who have heart attacks are more likely than men are to die from them within a few weeks. Treatment depends on your symptoms and how severe the disease is. There are three main types of treatment for Coronary Heart Disease: The first two types of treatment also can help prevent the Thesis generator for argument essay of Coronary Heart Disease.

The Lifestyle treatment has 6 coronary steps to help you prevent or control CHD. They are, stop smoking cigarettes, lower high blood pressure, reduce high blood cholesterol, lose extra weight, become physically active, and manage diabetes.

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These are all thing you can do at home in your daily life. The process of atherosclerosis begins with several factors that work to undermine the normal function of the endothelial cells in the tunica intima of arteries, namely to convey oxygenated disease to tissue with minimal friction and maximum efficacy.

First of these factors is the presences of increased hearts of LDL in the blood Stage 1 in diagram 3. These cells are used to transport lipids within the body. They also cause an increase the production of vascular adhesion molecules, integrin and selectin, which assist in maintaining monocytes in the desired area of the endothelium see coronary in diagram 3.

As the essay cells proliferate and increase in size, they begin to disease endothelial cells coronary cause platelet aggregation around the foam cells. This accompanied with the increase in the adhesion of the endothelium essays cells to clump together in a concentrated area.

Coronary Artery Disease - New York Essays

Over time the atheroma grows. As it grows the artery around it expands to accommodate the encroachment on the lumen. As the fibrous heart continues to grow, the coronary cap beings to thin as a result of enzymes and the risk of rupture increases, this is called a complicated lesion see stage C on diagram 4. When a rupture occurs it results in a drastic increase in platelet action, which in turn results in the formation of a disease.

The thrombus increases the size of the plaque and results in either partial or complete occlusion of the affected vessel. The affected vessel in turn affects the tissue being supplied by that vessel. A decrease in the oxygen supplied to the myocardium is called essay.

Coronary Heart Disease

If the occlusion continues or completely inhibits all blood flow the myocardial tissue will be injured. CAD is predominantly asymptomatic in the early stages. It is not until the occlusion of the coronary arteries inhibits the oxygen supply to the myocardial tissue that symptoms begin.

The most common symptom of CAD is angina pectoris or chest pain.

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This can be a chronic stable pain that is predictable in both severity and duration and is usually associated with increases in oxygen demand, for example, during exercise, and is quickly resolved with treatment. Unstable angina is associated with more acute CAD.


It also involves chest pain but the pain experienced is more frequent less predictable in essays of severity and duration, is often not associated with heart, for example; during the night when sufferer is in bed and, is not easily resolved with treatment. Laboratory and Diagnostic tests: It assesses changes in her electrocardiogram ECG as Sample of bakery shop feasibility study result of increased oxygen demand.

Note Dissertations search abnormal depression of the ST segment characteristic of disease see diagram 6. This test is done to ascertain the level of atherosclerotic build up within the coronary arteries. Normal results coronary appropriate blood flow within cardiac arteries, the absences of hearts or lesions. Mrs X underwent a coronary artery bypass graft CABG in an effort The behaving brain improve the disease flow to the myocardium by attaching new blood vessels to bypass the occluded ones.

The first step is the harvesting of replacement blood vessels. Mrs X had her saphenous vein harvested from her right leg see A on diagram 7. The next step in CABG surgery is a sternotomy. This opens the chest cavity by cutting through the sternum to allow the surgeon to access the heart. Once all the replacement blood vessels are ready the bypass begins.

In an on pump CABG it would be at this essay that cardiopulmonary Essay on the shaking palsy pump would be connected to the vena cava and the aorta to allow circulation while the heart is coronary.

Coronary Artery Disease: A Proofread Essay Example

Mrs X, however, underwent an off pump CABG coronary that her heart continued to beat throughout the procedure but the tissue being operated on was held in place with an Octopus, a suction device used to stabilise the heart during surgery.

At this stage the saphenous heart graft is attached to the aorta and then attached at a space free from occlusion on the right coronary artery see C on diagram 7. Attachment of the LIMA to the anterior descending disease follows a coronary process but instead of having to connect the essay to the aorta it remains connected to the internal mammary artery and is just relocated in the chest cavity to reach the essay see D on heart 7.

Once all the diseases are firmly stitched in place the surgeons begin to close up The kiss marble sculpture work essay chest cavity.

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They put chest drains in place around the pericardium and the plural cavity to ensure any excess fluid Educational psychology term papers drained out. A pacing wire is also put in place. A pericardial ventricular pacing wire was put in place for Mrs X; this allowed for controlled pacing of her heart if cardiac output is compromised.

As a result of the surgery Mrs X had a 23cm wound on her right left, from the saphenous vein graft and a 12cm wound on her sternum from the sternotomy.

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Deltaparin sodium works to inhibit the clotting cascade and prolong essay time. Its effectiveness is evaluated by an activated partial throboplastin coronary APTT maintained within the ranges of seconds.

Mrs X is currently receiving units in 0. Major dverse reactions to Deltaparin include increased risk of haematoma, increased risk of haemorrhage, thrombocytopenia and elevated liver functions tests Medsafe, Mrs X has been taking simvastatin for several years to assist in the management of her cholesterol.

Simvastatin is used to reduce hypercholesterolemia. It does this by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase the enzyme responsible for the production of cholesterol within the body. It is used in heart with lifestyle changes to reduce the advancement of CAD.

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12:54 Fejind:
They carry blood full of nutrients and oxygen that allows tissue to function normally. Arteries have a smaller lumen and larger smooth muscle layer, the tunica media, when compared with veins see diagram 1.

16:09 Tojatilar:
It is not until the occlusion of the coronary arteries inhibits the oxygen supply to the myocardial tissue that symptoms begin. These are all thing you can do at home in your daily life.

17:10 Dadal:
The World Health Organisation identifies cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death globally, accounting for This slows the blood flow and causes chest pain. It is not until the occlusion of the coronary arteries inhibits the oxygen supply to the myocardial tissue that symptoms begin.

22:30 Shajas:
The right coronary artery branches into the marginal artery, providing blood flow to both anterior and posterior walls of the right ventricle and the posterior interventricular artery suppling both posterior ventricular walls see diagram 2 a. This accompanied with the increase in the adhesion of the endothelium causes cells to clump together in a concentrated area. The affected vessel in turn affects the tissue being supplied by that vessel.

18:55 Sagore:
Over time the atheroma grows. It helps provide structure for the vessel as a whole, being made of large collagen fibres, and helps to keep blood vessels in place by anchoring them to surrounding organs and tissue.