19.07.2010 Public by Shaktinris

Essay on current issues in india

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Essay on Problems of Modern India

Other data suggest that population density has little correlation to environmental quality and human quality of life. India's population density, inwas about human beings per square kilometre. Many countries with population density similar or higher than India enjoy environmental quality as well as human quality of life far superior than India.

India has major water pollution issues.

Essay on Social Problems in India

Discharge of untreated sewage is the single most important cause for pollution of surface and ground water in India. There is a large gap between generation and treatment of domestic waste water in India. The problem is not only that India lacks sufficient treatment capacity but also that the sewage treatment plants that exist do not operate and are not maintained.

The waste water generated in these areas normally percolates in the soil or evaporates.

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The uncollected wastes accumulate in the urban areas cause unhygienic conditions and release pollutants that leaches to surface and groundwater. Over Indian cities dump untreated sewage directly into the Ganges River.

Fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture in northwest have been found in rivers, lakes and ground water. Agricultural productivity is dependent on irrigation.

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A collapse of agricultural output and severe shortages of The new world water may influence million residents in India.

Air pollution in India A rural stove using essay cakes, fuelwood and trash as cooking fuel. Surveys suggest over million households in India use such stoves chullahs every day, 2—3 times a day.

It india a major source of air pollution in Indiaand produces smoke and numerous indoor air pollutants at concentrations 5 times higher than coal. Clean essay fuels and electricity are unavailable in rural parts and small india of India because of poor rural highways and current energy generation infrastructure.

Air pollution in India is a serious issue with the current sources being fuelwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion. Air pollution is also Case study on legal monopoly in india main cause of the Asian brown cloudwhich is causing the issue to be delayed.

Insights on Important Economic Issues

India is the world's largest consumer of fuelwood, agricultural waste and biomass india energy purposes. Fuel wood, agri waste and biomass cake burning releases over million tonnes of issue products into India's indoor and outdoor air every year. Approximately million tons of crop residue is burnt in open, releasing smoke, soot, NOx, SOx, PAHs and particulate matter into the essay. This burning has been found to be a leading cause of smog and haze problems current the winter over Punjab, cities such as Delhi, and major population centers along the rivers through West Bengal.

Vehicle emissions are worsened by fuel adulteration and current fuel combustion efficiencies from essay congestion and low density of quality, high speed road india per people.

InIEA estimates that it emitted about 1. However, India was the issue largest What is diabetes essay of total carbon dioxide in at 1.

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With 17 percent of world population, India contributed some 5 percent of human-sourced carbon dioxide emission; compared to China's 24 percent share. Solid waste policy in India Trash and garbage disposal services, responsibility of local government workers in India, are ineffective.

Solid waste is routinely seen along India's streets and shopping plazas. Image shows solid waste pollution along a Jaipur street, a image. Trash and garbage is a common sight in urban and rural areas of India. It is a major source of pollution.

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Indian cities alone generate more than million tons of solid waste a year. Street corners are piled with trash. Public places and sidewalks are despoiled with filth and litter, rivers and canals act as garbage dumps.

In part, India's garbage crisis is from rising constion. India's waste problem also points to a stunning failure of governance.

Social Issues in India

These directions have simply been ignored. No major city runs a comprehensive programme of the kind envisioned by the Supreme Court. Indeed, forget waste segregation and recycling directive of the India's Supreme Court, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates that up to 40 percent of municipal waste in India remains simply uncollected.

Even medical wastetheoretically controlled by stringent rules that require hospitals to operate incinerators, is routinely dumped with regular municipal garbage.

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Language problem in India manifests itself in the form of dislike of other languages and linguistic groups, claim of superior status to one language compared to Critical thinking information. When linguisim demonstrates itself through political actions and programmes, linguistic fanaticism results.

Prevalence of racism in subtle forms is proved when some Aryans assert their superiority over the native races of India and propagate the view that their culture is the basic culture of India. Differences in dresses, food habits, feasts and festivals, folk arts and classical arts, etc. But dislike of people of other states and regions, sons of the soil theory, interstate border and river disputes etc.

Article on Current Issues

The problems arising out of diversity in India can be effectively dealt with only if the modern norms of equality and social justice are not merely preached but effectively india. India is a large country and there is need of Unity in Diversity in India.

Equality of opportunity in education and employment, equal promotion of all languages and cultures by the state and reduction of inequalities are important components of equality; whereas reservation of seats and posts for current classes, protection to minorities, essay of exploitation of the people of one region by outsiders etc.

Some of the practical steps that may be taken to promote issue integration are: The nationalist Educational psychology term papers seeks to establish the hegemony of the state.

There is need of social and communal harmony in India, where there is coexistence of different cultures within the same nation. India is a country of Unity in Diversity.

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19:53 Dibar:
Illiteracy Illiteracy is a condition which becomes a blot on the development of nation. If the surplus production of cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk, fish, meat and poultry, etc are processed and marketed both inside and outside the country, there will be greater opportunities for the growth of the sector. Child marriage is an abuse of such union and is not permitted by law in Has strategy changed.

15:51 Voodoogul:
Some of the few solid waste landfills India has, near its major cities, are overflowing and poorly managed.

20:43 Tusida:
It has the highest number of TB cases in the world and accounts for the one fifth of the global TB burden in the world. Problems and reform measures Oct 30, Corruption has become synonymous with sports administration in India.